Friday 26 June 2020

The Masters of Wisdom - The Journey Inside - 103

🌹 The Masters of Wisdom - The Journey Inside - 103 🌹
🌴 Fiery Aspiration - 5 🌴
✍️ Master E. Krishnamacharya
📚 . Prasad Bharadwaj

🌻 Devotion 🌻

What we do with a concentrated focus we call devotion. Without devotion and appropriate aspiration we don’t find any mental alignment. Up to the present many people are still quite emotional. 

Emotions are often adulterated by selfish desire, an exuberant enthusiasm leads to problems. We might burden ourselves with unnecessary responsibilities, take over work of other people and thus incur consequences.

However, the unregulated emotions can be balanced through right direction and transformed into aspiration. 

Aspiration is also an emotion, but a directed one. For emotional people role models are important, which they follow then. 

This is called the childhood stage of consciousness. Through right models the emotions can be directed into noble channels. 

Then such people can do much better work with joy and enthusiasm than mentally oriented people.

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Sources: Master K.P. Kumar: The Aquarian Cross / notes from seminars. Master E. Krishnamacharya: Lessons on the Yoga of Patanjali.

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